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·Xinjiang style: Akon Performance  ·Longji terrace, Guangxi Province  ·Heilongjiang Wetlands  ·Summer Palace, Beijing  ·Heijing Ancient Town  ·The beauty of chrysanthemum flower in the autumn  ·Stay away from drugs, out of the shadow of opium - has been very popular in the Golden Triangle's opium market  ·Manzhouli  ·Hulunbuir Prairie: purest land in China  ·The Prambanan Temples: the largest temple complex on the Indonesian island of Java  ·Jinrong Street  ·Altay prairie Tuolehaite  ·Watery region Shaoxing: well-known historical and cultural city  ·Dazu Rock Carvings  ·Yixing Zishahu  
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